Sunwin im Visier

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    Standard Sunwin im Visier

    Sunwin ist ein in China tätiges Unternehmen. Da es aber in DE und USA gehandelt wird, habe ich mal hier den Tread eröffnet.

    Was macht Sunwin?

    Sunwin hat sich im Bereich der traditionellen Chinesischen "Medizin" etabliert bzw. viele Produkte erfolfreich vermarktet. Basis für die Produkte bilden 100% natürliche Stoffe in Pflanzen, Mineralien etc.


    Sunwin hat drei Standbeine, die etwa gleich stark sind, wobei eines momentan sehr stark wächst, dazu weiter unten noch mehr.

    1. Bereich Veterinär/Tier Zusatz Nahrung, ca. 30% vom Umsatz, 120 Produkte

    2. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), ca. 30% vom Umsatz. Diese Produkte werden immer populärer und geniessen Komplementär- Charakter zur klassischen Chemischer Medizin

    3. Stevioside, ca. 40% vom Umsatz. Es handelt sich um das interessanteste Produkt: 100% natürlicher Süssstoff als Ersatz für normalen Zucker oder z.B. Assugrin in vielen Speisen und vorallem Getränken (Tee, Kaffe etc.). Absolut Kalorienfrei und nicht zahnschädigend :!: Hier wird weltweit pro Jahr ein Wachstum von 15-20% erzielt. Tendenz steigend (zunehmendes Gesundheits-Bewusstsein). Der Süssstoff wird aus der Stevia Pflanze gewonnen und ist original laut Labor Resultaten 2-4mal süsser als Zucker.

    Einige Highlights

    * Einführung von Stevia in USA seit 28.6. dieses Jahres

    * Solide Finanzielle Situation (soweit beurteilbar): Cash Bestände über 3.6Mio$., keine langfristigen Verbindlichkeiten, über 7Mio$. working Capital, Rekord Ergebnisse per Ende April 2006 (Nettoerlös 15.4Mio Dollar = +28% zu 2005)

    * Dutton Associates (einer der grössten unabhängigen Investment Researcher in den USA), stuft Sunwin auf "Strong Buy Spekulativ kaufen" ein mit KZ 1.85$ in 12mte. per 21.8.06

    Wichigstes zur Aktie

    Das Papier verlor in den heissen Monaten enorm an Wert (ca. 40% seit April). Es spiegelt nicht das Potenzial der Aktie wider. Momentaner Kurs in Frankfurt 0.59EUR. Da Sunwin noch nicht auf grössere Aufmerksamkeit gestossen ist, ist das gehandelte Volumen klein.

    Es bietet sich jetzt eine sehr gute Einstiegsgelegenheit. Allerdings sind auch Risiken einzuplanen unter anderem:

    * Know-How extrem gebunden, enorm wichtiger Personalstamm

    * Kooperation mit USA (politisch eher kritisch) enorm wichtig, neue Regulierungen gegen Stevia wären fatal

    * Kompetenter Partner in USA aufbauen, da Sunwin keine erfahrenen Mitarbeiter für den USA Markt hat

    * Kategorie "Penny-Stock"

    Werde in den nächsten Tagen in Betracht ziehen, Sunwin als Beimischung ins Depot zu nehmen.


    - Frankfurt: S1N
    - XETRA: S1N
    - Nasdaq OTBB: Suwn

    Valor: 1909826



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    Es wird sich bald etwas tun, das Geschäft floriert an den Zahlen und Stevia als Hauptstammbein etabliert sich langsam auch in USA. Ich bin mir sicher, das viele Investoren (voallem die Big-Ones) die Situation noch nicht gerafft haben. Da braucht es nur dann mal so ein Alaysten Heini der auf "Strong-Buy" schaltet, dann geht die Idioten-Ralley los. Mir egal, vetraue meinen Fähigkeiten und Recherchen. Möchte nochmals zukaufen, der Wechsel zur UBS hat auch verholfen, dass ich jetzt direkt an der OTCBB kaufen/verkaufen kann, was ein enormer Vorteil ist gegenüber Xetra-Börse.

    Der Chart auf 2 Jahre ist auch interessant, erinnert fast an Mobilezone. Eine Treppenbildung scheint möglich, oder eine kleine Untertasse mit wenig tieferem Boden? Die Zeit wirds zeigen, schade das nicht mehr Interesse da ist, fühle mich etwas alleine mit meinen Suwn :cry:

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    detailiertere News in Anlehnung zu der Online Plattform, jetzt fehlt nur noch Paris Hilton als Abziehbildchen für Sunwin :lol: :

    Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 20, 2007 - (Market Wire) - Sunwin announced today that it has successfully launched the sale of its Only Sweet„ stevia blend over the company's web site on January 29, 2007.

    In concert with the launch, the company has begun an online ad campaign that includes the purchase of banner ads on various high traffic web sites that deal with health and wellness, diabetes, obesity, and other targeted consumers of Only Sweet„. This represents the first step in management's branding campaign to create awareness of the Only Sweet„ product line to health conscious consumers. The Company is extremely pleased with the initial web traffic and sales generated from the site in the short period of time since the launch and management anticipates that numbers will continue to ramp as customers experience the superior quality and taste of Only Sweet„. According to initial data, orders are being received from both new and existing users of stevia and customers have given high marks in surveys to the entire purchasing experience. Additionally, as a result of the initial campaign, the company has been contacted by a number of diabetes clinics and dieticians interested in introducing their patients to Only Sweet„.

    This initial step in a much broader marketing campaign is in part designed to create awareness of the benefits of Only Sweet„. Management intends to further its marketing program in the near future by including distribution in major grocery, vitamin, and specialty food stores throughout the course of 2007. The Company is targeting to have its Only Sweet„ products available in over 1000 retail outlets throughout the second half of 2007.

    Steven Silbert, Executive Vice President of Sunwin Stevia International stated "The Company is very pleased with the initial results of our U.S. online sales launch and the overall level of awareness of the benefits of stevia in the United States. The use of stevia is advocated by a number of highly visible health advocates, celebrities, and health and wellness publications all of which promote its virtues as a dietary supplement that offers benefits not found in sugar or artificial sweeteners. We believe it is only a matter of time that stevia, which is used by over 100 million people worldwide, becomes even more mainstream with U.S. consumers. Our Only Sweet„ line of products, are all natural, inexpensive, great tasting and have zero calories which positions Sunwin to become the industry leader in this rapidly growing U.S. market."

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    Heute gibt der Kurs in DE über 10% nach! Keine News' der Small-Cap wird runtergezogen, die Zittrigen raussgeschüttelt. Schade, der Titel konnte sich zuletzt noch den Attacken recht gut widersetzen, jetzt eingebrochen. Bleibt im Depot, meine Sunwin kriegt ihr nicht. Das jetzige Niveau spiegelt nicht die Leistung wider, die das Unternehmen an den Tag legt. Weitere Geduld der schon investierten wird erneut geprüft.

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    Standard Hammer News!

    Da bin ich mal ein paar Tage weg und dann so was! Kurs fast +30% Intraday! Ehrlich gesagt tut das gut, Grundsteine sind gesetzt für weitere Avancen, auch die Zahlen werden bald überzeugen können.

    Quelle Nasdaq:

    Sunwin International Neutraceuticals Announces Its Hypericin-Based Veterinary Disinfectant Is Proven to Be Effective in Killing Bird Flu Virus (H5N1) in an Independent Study

    QUFU, CHINA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 04/04/07 -- Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: SUWN), a leader in the production and distribution of Chinese herbs, veterinary medicines and low calorie sweetener (Stevia) in China, announced today its Hypericin-based veterinary disinfectant has proven to be effective in killing 100% of bird flu virus (H5N1) in research tests involving H5N1-infected Chicken embryos. The research was independently conducted by a group of scientists from Ha'erbing Veterinary Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Animal Influenza Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture, and National Bird Flu Reference Laboratory. Hypericin is a derivative of St. Johns Wort.

    The test results demonstrated that Sunwin's Hypericin-based veterinary disinfectant eliminates 100% of bird flu virus (H5N1) in the infected chicken embryos within 10 minutes when the Hypericin-based disinfectant was diluted at ratios of 1:5, 1:10, 1:25 and 1:50. No significant toxicities to healthy chicken embryos were observed when the disinfectant was diluted at these same levels.

    In November 2005, the Department of Livestock Farming for Shandong Province Government submitted a fast-track application to the Livestock Farming Bureau of China Ministry of Agriculture for approval of Hypericin related products as a class one new veterinary medicine to treat strands of the avian flu virus. This independent study was a requirement of the approval process for the application.

    Laiwang Zhang, President and Chairman of Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, commented "We are extremely pleased with these independent study results. We believe they validate the effectiveness of Hypericin which will help pave the way for approval of our Hypericin-based veterinary disinfectant as class one veterinary medicine in China. If the use of this medicine is determined to be the best way to prevent and deter the spread of bird flu virus by tens of millions of poultry farmers in China, the economic impact on our company could be enormous as we are one of only a few manufacturers of these products in China."

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    Laufend gute News, wenn so weiter geht, wird SUWN deutlich zulegen: 8)

    Sunwin Stevia International Receives Multiple Purchase Orders for OnlySweet„; Scheduled Distribution in Over 1,700 Grocery Outlets Beginning in June of 2007

    Tamarac, Florida April 10, 2007 (M2 PRESSWIRE) - Sunwin Stevia International Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc (OTC BB: SUWN), announced today that it has received several purchase orders from multiple national and regional grocery chains to carry the company€™s OnlySweet„ product line beginning in June of 2007. The initial number of outlets offering OnlySweet„ will be in excess of 1,700 stores.

    Jeffrey Reynolds, CEO of Sunwin Stevia International, stated, We are very pleased with the results of our initial sales efforts. We are currently in discussions with a considerable number of additional national and regional grocery chains and feel confident that the number of outlets offering OnlySweet„ will continue to grow substantially during the next six months. Having spent years in the consumer package goods industry representing a wide variety of products, I am particularly encouraged by the response of our clients regarding the taste of our product, our packaging, marketing strategies and pricing. We believe that all four of these elements will generate strong consumer sales and in the near future OnlySweet„ will be in front of more American consumers than any other stevia product in the United States. We are working with grocery retailers as partners in devising various marketing strategies that will increase in-store sales.€

    We are also excited about the growing usage and awareness of consumers regarding the attributes of stevia based products. This past year there have been numerous national television programs, newspaper and magazine articles stories discussing the benefits of stevia usage. Perhaps more than anytime in history, consumers are becoming very conscious of the importance of all natural products that do not contain chemicals or other perhaps harmful compounds. We believe that our all natural, zero calorie, dietary supplement OnlySweet„ will resonate with a large number of consumers,€ Mr. Reynolds concluded.

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    Und wieder gute Neuigkeiten, was den Kurs mit ca. 15% beflügelt, der Titel ist extrem News-flow gesteuert und reagiert extrem. Das Halten und geduldig sein wird sich auszahlen 8) es muss ja noch weiter aufgeholt werden, da der Titel stark gesunken ist.


    Sunwin Stevia International Receives Purchase Order for OnlySweet(TM) for Utilization in the Food Services Industry

    TAMARAC, FL -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 04/25/07 -- Sunwin Stevia, announced today that it has received an order for OnlySweet(TM) that will be used in the food service industry. The Company has also received several additional purchase orders from regional grocery chains to carry the OnlySweet(TM) product line beginning in June 2007, bringing the total number of locations where OnlySweet(TM) will be sold in excess of 2,000 stores nationwide.

    Steven Silbert, Executive Vice President of Sunwin Stevia International, remarked, "We are extremely pleased with the reception that OnlySweet(TM) has received in the marketplace in the relatively short time that it has been available to consumers. We feel confident that the number of outlets offering OnlySweet(TM) will continue to grow substantially over the next six months."

    Mr. Silbert continued, "We are also pleased with the recent order we have received for food service utilization. Having OnlySweet(TM) on restaurant tabletops and in coffee cafes has always been a part of the company's marketing strategy and we are delighted it is happening so early on in our development. This market not only produces revenue, but it is a key component to creating brand awareness. To that end, we will be implementing a highly diversified campaign to increase the visibility of OnlySweet(TM) starting in select markets in the next 30 to 60 days."

    Mr. Silbert concluded, "We have just completed a two day meeting with the CEO and lead Account Executive of our advertising and marketing agency, Blue Chip Marketing and Communications ( We established the dates that we will be launching various in and out of store marketing campaigns, designed to increase in-store sales, as well as create awareness of the attributes of our all natural, zero calorie product. Due to certain market factors, taking place in a highly visible manner, consumers are taking a closer look at products that are truly all natural. We feel that the demand for all natural products will continue to grow, as more and more consumers become educated to their benefits."

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    Heute fast wieder +30%, diesmal ist der Grund, das PSR (Pennystock-Report) einen Börsenbrief herausgegeben hat mit Sunwin als Strong buy und KZ 1.45EUR 8) . Hat natürlich die Wirkung voll erzielt, fraglich ist nun ob der Kursanstieg nachhaltig weiter obsi geht. Die Durststrecken sind gross und die Nerven müssen stahlhart sein. Für mich eine Bestätigung, das die Spreu vom Weizen ohne Analysten Pac.. getrennt werden kann, darauf bin ich schon etwas stolz :P

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    Ansturm weiterhin präsent. Positiv erscheint, dass der Abwärtskanal und die 200-Tages Linie endlich wieder gebrochen wurde. Dies dürfte weitere Investoren freundlich stimmen. Des Weiteren sind noch News in der Pipeline. Das Volumen unterstreicht denn auch den bullischen Trend. HALTEN, Ausstieg aber nicht verpassen.

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    Positiv, der Kurs hat zwar wieder etwas korrigiert seit dem Ausflug auf die ca. 0.6EUR, bleibt aber recht stabil zwischen 0.5-0-55EUR. Unterstützung bei 0.5EUR aber noch etwas schwach. Es sollen aber bald wieder Neuigkeiten zu Stevia kommen. Nachfolgend noch ein paar Beispiele.

    Werft schon mal den Ofen an, Stevia zum backen :mrgreen:

    Backen mit Stevia

    P.S. Die End-Kundensegmentierung bei Stevia für mich sieht in etwa so aus:

    - Diabethiker
    - Übergewichtige (die, die abnehmen müssen "unfreiwillig")
    - Gesundheitsbewusste (Verminderung Zahnprobleme, achten auf Figur)

    Gibt also genug Käuferschichten, muss nur ein aktiv darauf ausgerichtetes Marketing her

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    Standard Endlich...

    Heute war's denn soweit wieder +20%. Meine Sunwin mit +9% und durchschnittlichem Kurs von 0.78$ heute zu 0.85$ verkauft

    Gründe liegen klar auf der Hand:

    - Weg vom $
    - Vorgehen umgesetzt wie selber geschrieben
    - Fast +60% in zwei Wochen!
    - Kurse werden nur noch von Analysten getrieben
    - Verlustzone nach langen Atem überwunden und im Plus abgeschlossen

    Wie weiter?

    - Sunwin hat mehr Potenzial, jetzt haben auch noch einige mehr geschnallt
    - Trotzdem, es wird wohl nochmals korrigeren, auch wenn nicht heute und Morgen
    - Kommt wieder auf die WL und wird aktiv überwacht
    - Investment wieder geplant, aber in EUR

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    Freut mich insebsondere auch, dass der Tread aktiv mitverfolgt wurde, Danke.

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    So, das Feuerwerk wurde letzte Woche deutlich gebremst (-13%), heute streifte der Kurs wieder die 0.6EUR, fast mein ursprüngliches Kaufniveau. Auch der Chart zeigt, das sich jetzt ein Dreieck mit fallenden Kursen eingestellt hat. Frage ist ob's nach unten oder oben ausbricht. Bin in Lauerstellung, es wird sich wieder lohnen, wenn das Timing stimmt, denn nicht nur Chart, sondern auch das Kaufinteresse insgesamt nach Analysten Empfehlungen geht jetzt wieder zurück, jetzt müssen dann mal Zahlen her die den Kurs rechtfertigen und gar nach oben katapultieren. Freue mich darauf!

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    Nachdem Suwnin extrem "beschossen" wurde, gab's heute wieder eine gute Nachricht, was den eingebrochenen Intraday-Kurs sogar wieder 5% Plus bescherte, ist mir dennoch zu früh, nur auf dieser Grundlage wieder einzusteigen, man hat gesehen wie schnell es auf und ab geht, braucht extrem gutes Timing. Kurs gewinnt evtl. wieder etwas an Fahrt, viele sind aber vorsichtig geworden. Einen erneuten Einstieg würde ich bei 0.4-0.5EUR sehen.

    Quelle Sunwin Homepage

    Tamarac, Florida - April 25, 2007 - (Market Wire) - Sunwin Stevia International Corp., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc (OTC BB: SUWN), announced today that it has received an order for OnlySweet„ that will be used in the food service industry. The Company has also received several additional purchase orders from regional grocery chains to carry the OnlySweet„ product line beginning in June 2007, bringing the total number of locations where OnlySweet„ will be sold in excess of 2,000 stores nationwide.

    Steven Silbert, Executive Vice President of Sunwin Stevia International remarked, "We are extremely pleased with the reception that OnlySweet„ has received in the marketplace in the relatively short time that it has been available to consumers. We feel confident that the number of outlets offering OnlySweet„ will continue to grow substantially over the next six months."

    Mr. Silbert continued, "We are also pleased with the recent order we have received for food service utilization. Having OnlySweet„ on restaurant tabletops and in coffee caf¨¦'s has always been a part of the company's marketing strategy and we are delighted it is happening so early on in our development. This market not only produces revenue, but it is a key component to creating brand awareness. To that end, we will be implementing a highly diversified campaign to increase the visibility of OnlySweet„ starting in select markets in the next 30 to 60 days."

    Mr. Silbert concluded, "We have just completed a two day meeting with the CEO and lead Account Executive of our advertising and marketing agency, Blue Chip Marketing and Communications ( established the dates that we will be launching various in and out of store marketing campaigns, designed to increase in-store sales, as well as create awareness of the attributes of our all natural, zero calorie product.Due to certain market factors, taking place in a highly visible manner, consumers are taking a closer look at products that are truly all natural. We feel that the demand for all natural products will continue to grow, as more and more consumers become educated to their benefits."

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    Kurs schmiert 20% ab. Es geht nichts über gutes Timing, obwohl eigentlich gute News kamen heute, bin noch etwas vorsichtig, soll noch etwas rutschen, dann landen sie wieder im Depot. Quelle Nasdaq:

    Sunwin International Neutraceuticals Sees Its Total stevia Shipments Reaching 600 Tons in 2007 as Worldwide Demand for stevia Continues to Increase

    QUFU, CHINA -- (MARKETWIRE) -- 06/05/07 -- Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: SUWN), a leader in the production and distribution of Chinese herbs, veterinary medicines and stevia (a low calorie dietary supplement and sweetener) in China, announced today that management sees total bulk stevia shipments, consisting of its own production as well as through reselling, reaching 600 tons in 2007. Management believes Sunwin is the largest publicly held producer and distributor of premium grade bulk stevia in the world, with its distribution accounting for approximately 30% of the current estimated worldwide production of approximately 2,000 tons.

    Sunwin recently announced that its production capacity increased to 600 tons with the completion of its new 300 ton manufacturing facilities in an effort to support the North American launch of its proprietary OnlySweet(TM) product line, through its Sunwin stevia subsidiary. Additionally, the company has begun preliminary planning to increase its overall production capabilities to 1,000 tons annually to meet anticipated increases in worldwide demand.

    Laiwang Zhang, President and Chairman of Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, commented, "We believe that stevia is poised to become the low calorie sweetener of choice in markets throughout the world as more and more people are reaching the same conclusion that people in the Far East have known for generations, that stevia is the best all natural, low calorie sweetener available."

    Mr. Zhang continued, "We believe our current production capabilities, coupled with our strong balance sheet, will give us substantial leverage in our efforts to consolidate the stevia production industry in China, which currently produces a significant amount of the worldwide supply. As demand for low calorie products has substantially accelerated in the past decade, we believe our all natural, zero calorie stevia will become the world's preferred sweetener. Management is confident that Sunwin is well positioned and focused to continue in its position as the leading producer in this rapidly growing industry."

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    Standard Let's go

    Die Story geht weiter 8) , heute hat sich der Kurs stabilisiert und es sind gute Neuigkeiten gekommen, was mich für die Zukunft extrem positiv stimmt (siehe weiter unten, Fettschrift). Letzter EP 0.57EUR, heute zu 0.477EUR wieder eingebucht.

    • - Kurs war überhitzt, nun wieder deutlich abgekühlt
      - Strong Balance sheet (siehe Liquidität)
      - Gross Konzere an der Angel (Coca Cola 8) )
      - Zulassungen für EU/USA in Arbeit (da es momentan nur als Nahrungszusatz und nicht als Süssmittel wie z.B. normaler Zucker gilt, dementsprechend nicht überall erhältlich im Handel und Zielpublikum begrenzt)
      - Sunwin ist jetzt bekannt nach dem ersten Schub
      - Produkte sind im Trend, gefallen mir und haben Potenzial zum Blockbuster

    • - Vieles hängt jetzt an der Zulassung ab
      - Kurzfristig kann's noch weiter runter gehen
      - Chart Bild zeigt nach Süden

    Hier noch die News, Quelle Newsletter:

    Sunwin International Neutraceuticals Anticipates Recent Events Highlighted in the Wall Street Journal Will Have a Far Reaching Positive Impact for the Future of Stevia

    Sunwin announced today that Management believes the events highlighted in the Wall Street Journal on May 31, 2007 entitled Coke, Cargill Aim For a Shake-Up in Sweeteners€ will have a far reaching, positive impact on the future of stevia throughout the world.

    Management believes that large multinational companies, like those referenced by the Wall Street Journal, have the resources and know how to open major markets like the United States and European Union, which currently have not approved the use of stevia as a sweetener€. Currently, stevia can only be sold as a dietary supplement€ in those markets and as such Sunwin has launched its Only Sweettm line of products in North America to be sold in thousands of grocery stores nationwide through its Sunwin Stevia International division. If stevia is approved for use as a sweetener, it could be used in a wide array of product segments. This would place stevia based products in the multi billion dollar alternative sweetener markets, which includes more well known synthetic products such as sucralose and aspartame, both as a stand alone product and as a food/beverage additive. Management believes these companies have been highly motivated to find an all natural, low calorie sweetener to replace synthetics, and after an extensive search, stevia has emerged as the most viable solution available. While it is evident there are significant hurdles to overcome, if companies the likes of Coca Cola and Cargill are successful in their efforts, the demand for stevia could increase geometrically and producers like Sunwin should benefit dramatically.

    Laiwang Zhang, President and Chairman of Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, commented We are extremely pleased that these large companies are coming to the conclusion that stevia is the best alternative for use as a natural, low calorie sweetener. We are confident that as more people understand the benefits of this product, the market for stevia will continue to grow, and if stevia gains additional regulatory approvals for other uses, demand should soar to new heights. We have made large investments in the expansion of our stevia production and are committed to adding to that capacity as the situation warrants in the future.€

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    Wünsche Erfolg, Mut hast du ja.


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    War etwas zu früh, Kurs drehte wieder nach Süden, aber keine Panik solche Werte haben extreme Schwankungen, war das erste Mal noch schlimmer, momentan bin ich erst 15% im Minus :wink: . Deshalb kaufe ich bei solchen Investments quasi eine 1/2 Portion . Ab ca. -30...-40% schiebe ich nach, wenn's sich an meinen Indikatoren nichts geändert hat.

    Zum Chart: Heute wird die Unterstützung bei 0.4EUR geprüft, diese hält sich (noch) recht gut, sonst wäre nächster halt die 0.3EUR, es wird also einen Rebound geben, frage ist nur auf welchem Niveau, sehr wahrscheinlich irgendwo in der Mitte (psychologisch).

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    Die News sollen den Kurs wieder halten und stärken , das hat das Management geschickt gemacht, der kontinuirliche News-flow scheint mir gezielt gsteuert zu werden.


    OnlySweet(TM) Anticipated to Be Carried in Over 30 States in July

    TAMARAC, FL -- (MARKETWIRE) -- 06/13/07 -- Sunwin Stevia International Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Sunwin International Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: SUWN), announced today that its OnlySweet(TM) line of products are now available for purchase at a wide variety of national grocery chains throughout the United States as the Company has completed its initial shipments. OnlySweet(TM) is a proprietary product line blended with Stevioside (stevia), a natural sweetener, extracted from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. OnlySweet(TM) is blended in an FDA approved facility in the United States that provides similar services to some of the most highly recognized brands in the food industry. In addition, the company received Kosher certification in June of 2007.

    In 2006, it was announced that Sunwin Stevia International Corp. had developed its OnlySweet(TM) line of products using its proprietary blend of stevia, formulated through extensive research and testing for consistency and flavor. The Company launched its website, offering OnlySweet(TM) to the public in January 2007.

    Now that initial shipments have been delivered, OnlySweet(TM) is available for purchase in several national grocery chains and will soon be available in over 30 states. The company's first order came from one of the largest grocery retailers in the United States, for distribution in their stores on a national rollout. The company has received numerous additional orders from other regional chains as Sunwin Stevia International Corp. continues to aggressively market the OnlySweet(TM) line of products and the Company expects additional outlets will be carrying the product throughout the year.

    Working in concert with retailers and in response to their input, the Company has recently redesigned its packaging to highlight the "All Natural" attributes of OnlySweet(TM). The Company and retailers believe the significant up-trend in the purchase of "All Natural" products will further differentiate OnlySweet(TM) from its competition and lead to increased sales.

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    Da kommen laufend gute News, aber jedesmals bremsen die Amis wieder :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Das sind Krücken, haben kein Ahnung vom reelen Wert von Sunwin, so siehst aus. Das gehandelte Volumen ist hält sich an beiden Börsenplätzewn etwa die Waage. Da geht noch ne Menge glaubt mir :wink:


    Sunwin Stevia International's OnlySweet(TM) Stevia to Be Used in a Line of Low Calorie Cola and Soft Drinks

    TAMARAC, FL -- (MARKETWIRE) -- 06/20/07 -- Sunwin Stevia International Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Sunwin Neutraceuticals, Inc. (OTCBB: SUWN), announced today that it has received a purchase order for its OnlySweet(TM) stevia to be used in a line of low calorie Cola, Orange Soda, and Lemon Lime Twist Soft Drinks.

    Steven Silbert, Executive Vice President of Sunwin Stevia International Corp., states, "We have been approached by numerous companies that have expressed an interest in utilizing stevia produced by our parent company, Sunwin Neutraceuticals, as well as our blended product OnlySweet(TM) for utilization in the food and beverage industry. In the United States these products would be labeled as a dietary supplement in accordance with FDA requirements. While our focus is on the distribution and sales growth of OnlySweet(TM), we also understand the value of positioning our product as an ingredient in a wide variety of 'All Natural' dietary supplement products. We are currently assessing the market, as well as the companies that have approached us, to ensure that any potential strategic relationships will benefit the company and enhance our product offerings over the coming years. The recent attention regarding stevia, due to articles in several national publications, has sparked a flurry of activity which we believe will lead to significant revenue opportunities in the near future."

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